Friday, February 25, 2011

DesIgN tHeoRy BlOg post nO: 10

Last post for my Design Theory class_ Presentation Boards for my Assignment about Tadao AndoĊ› - Background, Ideology, methods of inquiry, project examples, case study and critique.

Friday, February 11, 2011

DesIgN tHeoRy BlOg post nO: 9

Group Question #6

Are the criteria of value the same for different types of art works (painting, literature, music, architecture)? If not, how and why do they differ?

After talking about this question in our group, we came to the agreement that the criteria of value is not the same for the different types of art. Art is different in the way they are presented.

Art in music is the rhyme of each note in combination to each other and some time the contrast of notes and text.

While in paintings it is the visual presentation and combination of shape, colours, balance and proportion ect.

In literature people expect the text to have a point and meaning.

And in architecture people expect the design to satisfy the user.

All in all, the success of art will be depend on the audience!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

ThIs WeEKs Cad cLAss..

Today in CAD we learned how to make furniture in 3D Max, from 2D sketches. I will post my final renderings next week, and under are the 2D sketches.

front view - side view - top view

StuDIo pREseNtAtioN_StAGe 2_ConcEPt DeVelOPment